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Revelation of the Kingdom
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Explore biblically based editorials that help unveil the mysteries of the Kingdom of God

Dr. Eugene Underwood
Dec 28, 20238 min read
Love Is All We Need
Because we are born in a world of darkness, many do not know what that looks like, life or love. Real love is only in God,

Dr. Eugene Underwood
Nov 16, 202334 min read
True Prosperity
There are basically three viewpoints on the earth now about prosperity. Some believe that one of God's desires is to cause us to prosper

Dr. Eugene Underwood
Nov 15, 202311 min read
The Just Shall Live By His Faith
As a believer living in this day and time, you need to know that only those who know what faith is and how to use it will survive

Dr. Eugene Underwood
Nov 15, 20233 min read
The Name of Jesus (Pt. 2)
Not only are we saved by the name, but we are baptized into the name, and on the basics of the name, we receive the gift of the holy spirit.

Dr. Eugene Underwood
Nov 15, 20237 min read
The Name of Jesus (Pt. 1)
How much power does the Name of Jesus carry, what does it represent, and how much authority is there backing his name?

Dr. Eugene Underwood
Oct 16, 20237 min read
The Process Of Becoming An Overcomer (Pt. 3)
So, if the love of money is the root of all evil, then the pursuit of material wealth and one's own comfort is the greatest sin one can comm

Dr. Eugene Underwood
Oct 16, 20236 min read
The Process Of Becoming An Overcomer (Pt. 2)
The word said that man was made from the dust of the ground, not clay or mud. Dry dust cannot be molded

Dr. Eugene Underwood
Oct 16, 20235 min read
The Process Of Becoming An Overcomer (Pt. 1)
This is the major purpose for the cross. This is why Jesus came to enable the highest level of commitment that we can make to the Lord; it

Dr. Eugene Underwood
Sep 29, 20236 min read
Two Spirits In The Garden
I hear Christians many times talking about how foolish Adam and Eve were to eat the fruit of
the tree of good and evil,

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