Alaska Watch
What is Alaska Watch?
Alaska Watch is an affiliate of Spirit Life Ministries. It is the Prayer and Political side of the work that is being done here in Alaska. For too long the church has not done its part in the political arena, and as you can see we have paid dearly for it.
Our lives are being controlled by people who do not fear God and do not have a moral compass to guide their decision making. Every person whether they admit it or not is guided by a philosophy. Be it democratic, republican or simply doing the right thing.
However because one is serving many different parties they should not be pushing a party agenda but simply to do the right thing, according to the law and the people.

Join the Spiritual Battle with Us
In Prayer
Our purpose on the prayer side is to build and establish houses of prayer all over Alaska, to contend with principalities and powers that influence people and cause bad behavior. To pray the Kingdom and will of God into this region and to raise up mighty warriors for the cause of the King.
In Politics
On the political side we will seek out, encourage, and finance leaders who choose to minister to God in politics. So the people of God may live a quiet and peaceable life throughout all Godliness.
In Warfare
Spiritual warfare is both a noble and dangerous thing, and we are always looking for people who are yielded to Holy Spirit and are skilled in the art of praying, specifically in the area of intercession. People who feel a call from our Father to pray and will dedicate their lives to it.

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds
Calling for Prayers for Alaska Officials
1 Timothy 2:1-2 NIV
I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.
Alaska Executive & Legislative BranchExecutive Branch Mayor Suzanne LaFrance Legislative Branch Chair - Christopher Constant Vice Chair - Meg Zaletel Daniel Volland Kevin Cross Scott Myers Kameron Perez-Verdia Anna Bravley Felix Rivera George Martinez Karen Bronga Zac Johnson Randy Sulte
We Must Get Involved
Did you know that the word city is the Greek word for Policy, Rules, and Politics? He did not say shine on the earth and hope that you are in heaven. No, we are to bring the kingdoms policies, rules and politics to the earth. So we need to stop lying to ourselves that God did not call us to politics.
Well brothers and sisters our states, cities and schools are in the mess it's in because we have given them to people who don't love God, and we have believed a lie that the founding fathers put in the Constitution a clause that forbids the church which is the people of God to not get involved.